2017 USTA Florida Junior Tennis Updates

by | Mar 27, 2017

USTA Florida junior competition updates

Some of these changes have already had an impact on some of our Celsius athletes. Here are a few noteworthy changes that have begun to go into effect in March 2017.

USTA Florida Endorsement Rule Change for 2017 USTA National Tournaments

The Endorsement Rule in previous years stated: “Players wishing to be endorsed for USTA National Championships will be required to play and complete at least one USTA Florida Level 5 or Level 4 or Level 3 tournaments in the months prior to the scheduled National Championship.”

In 2017 the Endorsement Rule changed:
“Players will no longer have to play the required one USTA Florida Level 3, 4, or 5 tournament preceding a Level 1 USTA National tournament to be endorsed. Players need to only have points in their respected age division to be endorsed and appear on the Tentative Rankings List.”

The Tentative Ranking List shows players meeting the USTA Florida residency requirement.

20% Aging Up Rule for USTA Florida Competitive Players Starting in March 2017!

Starting March 2017 20% of a player’s best results in the younger age division will be added to the older age division if the results are one of the 8 best results.

Player A – is aging up into the 16’s with only 4 tournaments played in the 16’s. Player A would receive 20% of their 4 best results from the 14’s into the 16’s.

Player B – is aging up into the 16’s but already has 8 tournaments played in the 16’s, 7 tournaments are counting in the 16’s with 200 points or more in each tournament. One of the tournaments in the 16’s is only counting for 10 points. Player B has tournaments worth over 200 points in the 14’s. This would then give only one of his 14’s tournaments counting in the 16’s at 20%.

USTA Florida 2017 Ranking Publish Schedule

USTA Florida Ranking Publish Schedule – Junior rankings will be published the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month unless otherwise noted. More lists may be published when necessary for selection of USTA Florida Level 3, 4, & 5 tournaments.
Endorsement List will be published three times a year for selection into USTA National Championships.

This schedule will be evaluated later in the year and may be changed if necessary.

2017 Draw Size for Level 3, 4, & 5 USTA Florida Tournaments Is Changing!

  • Level 3 USTA Florida singles tournaments in January and June will be 64 draws for ALL divisions.
  • Level 3 USTA Florida doubles May and September; 32 draw size ALL divisions.
  • Level 4 USTA Florida singles will be 64 draws for ALL divisions except March 2017 which will be 32 draw with a Qualifier the week before for Boy’s & Girl’s 14’s, 16’s, and 18’s divisions.
  • Level 5 USTA Florida singles will be 64 draws for ALL divisions in February and October with no doubles. April, July, August, and November will be 32 draws for ALL divisions; 16 draws for doubles.

You can download the complete updated 2017 Florida Junior Tennis Regulations here.

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